Thursday, September 9, 2010

Rana comes to rescue his father

This is an age of new war in film industry where the so called ‘Aa Naluguru’ (THE 4) top producers and distributors are playing their monopoly thus killing the existence of small and medium budgeted movies. Many well known personalities including Dasari Narayana Rao have taken a strong negative stand against these ‘THE 4.’

Young hero Daggubati Rana well knows that his father Suresh Babu is one among this 4. But, he doesn’t want to live others who are on a mud slinging program. Rana has chosen ‘Twitter’ as his plat form to open his mind:    

‘8 disorganized, cinema-illiterate people calling themselves directors and producers speaking about organizing our film industry. When will they ever understand that it's called "FILM BUSINESS" and the word business comes right after the film. And this business needs some educated, knowledgeable people and corporations to run it. And the individuals being referred to as "THE 4" monopolists. Have constantly worked and reinvested most of there wealth into film dev,’ tweets Rana.

Rana speaks more meaningful words....what do you say folks.


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